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Sunday, August 24, 2014

How to add Makeup in photoshop

Today I will teach you how to making speed art makeup effect. Add us to optimize the effect of this, especially when you do the adjustment. The most important effect of this adjustment is the color. We'll use a soft round brush for extra spots. And this effect will be made much easier if you see the tutorial in the attention. Side of the image to read the text. Thank you very much for having us.

We'll select the Rectangular marquee tool. Select the part of the eye as far as the eye shadow will do much. The mouse will click right button, we'll click on the layer via copy. We're able to see the extent of the portion of the selected section is coming to a layer.
Click the layer in the layer will be selected. Then go to the options menu bar adjustment of the image inside the Hue/Saturation will click. A window will appear, click OK to the hue -125% and saturation +47%.
Now remove tool to select and delete the extra spots.
We've done the right eye to left eye that. Color adjustment is similar to the right eye. The two eyes are the same.
 Now we will select the lower part of the eye. Then the hue/saturation option found hue 0%, saturation -100% and lightness -48% then click OK.
Now delete the extra spots. Have given way to the way in the example. Can not be a mistake if the  mistake is not perfect.
Has given way to the right eye, the left side of the eyeliner will displease. Color will be the adjustment 100% OK.
Now, like the eyes, lips and select Hue/saturation found in hue -35%, saturation +18% and  click OK. See example image has color like. But we need to color more worried. Follow the next image.
Go to the menu bar by clicking on the image option, click on the color balance will go to adjustment. Color Balance, a window will appear, cyan +78%, magenta -100% and yellow +98% will click OK. Now select remove tool will remove the excess stain. Follow the next image.
It's our last episode of the lips. We'll just check out the entire image remains were wrong, if anywhere. If you catch mistakes with corrections. The image will then save. The earlier you do, the more practice you can become expert. I hope you can learn very easily.

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