Today I will show you how making floating text on water in Photoshop. This effect is easy to make. If it can be understood as well. Beautiful river floating in the river, which it feels is real. It's nice to see you take up. We'll tire as the effect of the text effect. Now the competition is to create beautiful earliest era. My objective is to be made beautiful. The study will look beautiful. Follow step by step.
Step 1: First Ctrl+N will open a new window by clicking on. Will black background. Then the image will open the river. Opacity 60% will be in the river. Then layer the bottom of the box color options Hue/saturation option you select. Just to be -71% saturation.
Step 2: Now we are at the bottom of the layer box color options Brightness/Contrast option you select. Then will contrast -35%. These are the images of the objectives will be more beautiful. This option will only change here. You do not need to change any other options. And there is no condition that I would have to pay that. Images can be selected according to the settings.
Step 3: Now we will save the psd file. Write because you need to create the wave. So the name of the psd and will take hours to save Displace. Displace the overlay will not name because this psd.
Step 4: Now select the text tool and write graphics. Go along with the text in the middle. Then select the type of a front and thick. Click to distort displace filter will then go to the options. Psd file and click open to select, then will we be saved.
Step 5: Now click on the text layer and go to filter, click on the option will gaussain blur. Have radius 2.0 pixels. It is because of the continued need to see the lights dim. It will not be fulfilled unless the effect. This effect is very effective for the given filter.
Step 6: Now a copy of the layer by clicking on Ctrl+J will. This will copy the layer above. Then the text layer with a layer mask, the mask will be white. The overlay will add a layer mask. Then click on the text layer with Ctrl+T perspective mode will impose on the side from the inside. So it seems that there are floating. Many thanks to everyone for your stay with us.
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